If you never noticed that all of my articles include 7's in their designation except for 1610, you will now.
Okay guys, so, this is where I'll talk a little about each of my articles, if I can. Just because I like the idea of doing so.
SCP-1273 was an idea formed as a by-product while revising a draft about a group that pranks the Foundation that makes them recover something that takes a year to figure out, then spits in their face and turns itself off. The core concept started out as "an object that, after being activated, just wants to deactivate, yet can't do that." It developed pretty quickly in my mind. The story behind it is revealed here, I suppose. The girl definitely died, whether that be from murder, suicide, or other things, I'll let the reader decide. She died due to a ritual, of sorts, involving various anomalous objects. Objects that can "free a person from their body" at the cost of a physical form. And so, it worked. Kinda like a genie in a lamp sort of thing, except she can't do shit. By transferring over to another plane of existence via an arbitrary object (i.e. the nightlight), she realized what true freedom is. Time is irrelevant, space is pointless, there are no bounds of any kind. It is just one, fluid, and beautiful. Of course, then the Foundation comes along, and takes her out of the plane. Naturally, she wants to go back. And go back. And go back. After seeing all of this freedom, everything that makes up this plane of existence is just another prison and leash. Even worse, she can't stray too far from her gateway back that she just can't seem to open. That is, until it breaks. She was hesitant to touch anyone before because she was afraid of being trapped again. Well, it ended up happening. The reason she's so jerky with the movements is because she's not used to the slow movement of humans after being in the other plane for so long. About halfway through making this, I realized the explanation had a really strong Fifthist vibe behind it, but I wasn't (and still am not) sure I wanted it to be explicit in the article. Even with this explanation, it's entirely possible, perhaps even plausible, that the Fifthists had nothing to do with this. Also, there might be something that's a mix between cruel emotional twisting, an easter egg, and continuity between articles that deals with the other blackboxed agent and the year.
SCP-1357 was started by me joking around and throwing the picture up in chat and saying "scp fuel guys." Roget dared me to write a skip around it, so…I did. I put a lot of work into this one and got a lot of help from people, and I'm really happy with the result. EDIT: This was also my first +50 ^u^
SCP-1374 was just something I wanted to play around with and started out as anomalous writing that followed people around and criticized them. it transformed into something that was trying to prepare anomalous institutions for something big coming. (credit goes to Pixeltasim for that idea)
SCP-1473 was originally supposed to be a "Guardian Angel" skip, and I don't know how the fuck it got to the state it is now, but I like it. A li'l printer that was made to make people enjoy books more? It's cute, c'mon.
SCP-1478; I really don't know about my mental state sometimes. This was originally "Uncontrollable Hat Syndrome" and I don't fucking know what happened
SCP-1517 was born out of both my love for lollipops and jawbreakers and my horrible, horrible fear and revulsion towards cicadas and such. It's my first real successful article that I've come up with completely on my own (all of the rest of them so far have been based upon other peoples' ideas and articles ._. Hopefully, I can change that in the future).
SCP-1597 came from a long, long drought (3 days) of not being able to write good things. So I wrote more about the tragic Fredricks family and their encounters with children.
SCP-1610 was conceived and written within about 24 hours. I'm pretty proud of myself for writing it in that short of a time. Anyways, it was just something I was playing around in my head with, and I thought, "Hell, let's write it up and see where it goes."Also, this may or may not have been subconsciously influenced by my playing of Portal 2 for approximately 12 hours in the three days before I wrote up this article ._.
SCP-1627 was done in response to Wilt's challenge And posted earlier than it should have been because I forget things and I'm really, really proud of it. I feel like it's good.
SCP-1705 was originally based on the Pre-Mass Edit SCP-605, a Skeletal War Machine, which was pretty much what it sounds like. From there, I kind of just… ran with it. I liked the idea of biological machines, but I didn't want it to be a "everything is the same except they use these instead of this" type of thing. So, I loosely developed an idea of what I wanted the machines to be based upon. What did I choose? Frat boys. It evolved into objects of pleasure and tomfoolery for a city of slackers. More over, I wanted to be subtle, so… I made them ambiguously violent and had the researchers interpret this as a "warrior culture." Of course, they only found a small fraction of the bones that the entire civilization created, but they don't know that. I'm still kinda working on this one. Also, i rewrote it and may or may not have made Atlantis a party city
SCP-1731] was a rewrite of a skip of mine that got deleted because it was too WTF. It toned it down, cleaned it up, and voila, people liked it.
SCP-1879 started out as a husband stuck in an attic, looking for his wife. It was mediocre and Troy pointed out that there was so much more potential in the concept of a door that has many exits than just what I had. So then I turned it into a malevolent being that slowly remembered it was trapped on earth, and got retrograde amnesia every time it killed someone. It was meh as well. So then door-to-door salesman was born out of a suggestion from Roget. It's decent. EDIT: It's also (accidentally) my first Keter.
SCP-1907 was an interesting concept to play with. I also thought it up while trying to draft up "uncontrollable hat syndrome" via talking cacti that were extremely concerned about desert safety and wouldn't talk to people unless they were wearing sombreros.
Collecting was written for the NYC2013, as part of the "Antarctic Exchange" canon. It was basically the very first thing I conjured up when I first thought up the characters. Trighit is really fun to write.
Daylight Come was created due to the fact that I could not get the goddamn bananaboat song out of my head and thought it fit well with SCP-087.##
How the SPC Ruined Halloween should not have survived. I don't understand why it survived. It was a spur of the moment thing based on an overused Foundation meme that I thought could be an okay entry to the 2012 Halloween Contest. I posted it right before work, I came back shocked when I saw that the rating was, in fact, not in the negatives, even when the first ten comments were "Downvoted because of SPC." Apparently, it was well written enough that some people didn't even care. This is what really encouraged me to start writing more for the site.
Rapture was my very, very first sticking article on the site, as well as my lowest rated one. It came from the idea Hey, why hasn't anyone set up that angel that feeds on high pitched noises to that thing that constantly emits them? And while we're at it, it's an angel, why not give it a Church? So yeah. I wrote it up, was too impatient for draft review, and it pleasantly wasn't received too horribly.##
Sympathy for an Empath was written for the 2012 Christmas Trade. My gift recipient was Kalinin, who asked their gift-giver to make something weird out of one of their skips. So, I took their SCP-1097 (Liquified Empath) and turned it into an interpretation of a Mister. I do remember being afraid that it wouldn't be liked because "TOO MUCH DAMN WONDERTAINMENT," or shoehorning a GOI, or something out of irrational fear that I'm pleased has proven to be baseless.
Three's a Crowd is based on one of my personal favorite articles on the site, SCP-428 (The Crowd) by Dr Scooter.##
The Written God is a concept that I had a lot of fun writing about. It was born out of some sort of conversation about what would/wouldn't interact with the HI, and Bundle came up, so I went ahead and did it.
The Word and the Wolf; I don't have much to say about this. It's the second half of the Written God and was fun to write.