A Night Of Tragedy

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October 31, 2022, Around 11:00 PM

Screams, that's all that could be heard. Screams. How could it have come to this? How could such a tragedy occur? How could this be? Monsters aren't real! Or are they…

Wanna know what happened? Well for that we have to go back in time…

October 29, 2022, Around 9:00 AM

It was an early Saturday morning, just a few days before Halloween, you would think a teenage boy would be overly excited about Halloween, but no, you would be wrong. James Born was dreading every second the clock got closer to October 31. But why?

Well, on Halloween, his best friend would be throwing a party. And as you may know, parties for teenagers usually end horribly. James was the kind of guy who just liked to play pranks on Halloween, nothing more.

James was laying on his couch, he was home alone, his parents were away on a business trip, and his sister studying at MIT.


James's phone was ringing, his best friend was calling him. James picked up annoyed. "You excited about the party?'", Liam asked, buzzing with energy. "NO! I DREAD IT! Something bad will happen! What if the cops come!?! James said, clearly distressed. "Woah, calm down. It's just a party, nothing bad will happen", Liam responded, clearly sounding irritated. "You are not going to like this but we have to hold the party at your house."

"WHAT!?!", James responded with the fury of a hurricane. "My parents will be home on Halloween, and your parents won't be coming back till a week after Halloween, so it will be perfect, the party will be held at your house whether you like it or not, we need to meet at the Starbucks near the school at 5:00 PM. See you then."

As Liam hung up the call James was left in a rage, clearly worried about what would happen if his parent's happened. Poor James had no choice but to go through with it because if he didn't, he and Liam would probably have an awful fight, and James did care about his best friend.

October 29, 2022, Around 5:00 PM

James and Liam were sitting at a table in the aforementioned Starbucks near the school. It turns out Liam just wanted to discuss the decorations for the party, he specified that there needs to be a giant skeleton mascot as the party's main attraction. James literally had no idea what to say to that.

October 30, 2022

This day wasn't really that important, it was just Liam forcing James to decorate the entire house. It took hours and I mean hours to finish the decorations, at around 9:00 PM they set up the party's main attraction, an amazing skeleton Liam named Lord Bobathon Lee Skelington III.

Didn't expect humour in a so-called "scary story" did ya?

October 31, 2022, Around 10:30 AM

"Wow! These decorations look amazing, me and Liam certainly did a good job", James said to himself. Why do people talk to themselves anyway?


Another phone call, from Liam of course, this time James just straight-out declined the call, and as soon as he did that, he heard a sound… A very unsettling sound…




It was like a clock, but rougher, could you guess what SCP James has come across?

James startled by the sound decided to call Liam. Upon calling Liam, who accepted, he apologised for declining the call and they chatted for a bit, Liam told him the party started at 2:00 PM and ends at 2:00 AM, what kind of timing is that!?!?

James of course was dreading the party, and he was getting increasingly agitated, and it certainly didn't help that the sound of the clock was still ringing in his ear..




James proceeded to tell Liam about the noises but Liam casually dismissed them, informing James that he would arrive at his house by 1:00 PM, before hanging up.

October 31, 2022, Around 5:00 PM

The party had started a while ago, lots of people were there, Liam was chatting with the others, while some weirdos were gazing at the Lord Bobathon Lee Skelington III, still can't get over that name… But what about James?

Well, James was locked up in a bathroom, he had gone hysterical long ago, that sound still ringing in his ear…




October 31, 2022, Around 9:00 PM

Around this time, loud music was blasting as everybody including Liam was dancing to a rocking beat, except James of course…

By this point, James had begun sobbing, terrified of the sound…




Until it stopped…

James felt a wave of relief for just a moment before he was ripped to shreds, his guts spilling out, blood covering the bathroom floor… It's a shame his time was up.

It's a shame the music drowned out his bloodcurdling screams.

October 31, Around 10:30 PM

By this point, the music had stopped and everybody was just chilling, what does that even mean?

Also, Liam had finally realised his best friend's absence. He went out to investigate, and of course, couldn't find the body.




Liam heard a sound, like water slowly dripping coming from nearby, he discovered a door and opened it, he then proceeded to let out a scream as he found his best friend's mangled corpse.

The others rushed towards him. But then… Out of the corner of his eye, through the bathroom window, he saw a bird-like creature, moving away from the house, taking very slow steps.

This caused him to panic even further just as the other arrived, they saw the body and began screaming as well, but then… An urge overcame them all…

October 31, 2022, Around 11:00 PM

Now we have finally arrived here once again, how wonderful! Nothing but screams could be heard coming from the house and people were gathering around, someone was about the dial 911 when suddenly the screaming stopped, and everybody waited for another 5 minutes before returning to their own homes.

But what exactly had happened?

Well, they screamed for like another hour and an urge kept spreading through their minds, what was that urge? Well, it was the urge to commit suicide and at around 11:00 PM they all did just that…

They would be discovered a few days later when the parents got back, by this point police were also searching for the missing people, and I don't want to go into the details of what happened after they were discovered so let's just call this a sad ever after if there is even such a thing.

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