2017 Community Survey Results

The results for 2017 are here! We had over 6000 unique responses this year, as compared to the low 2016 number of 2,662. We had a lot to go through (almost triple the previous amount), but that's a good thing! Receiving this much feedback has given us a great perspective on the wishes of the community, and more room to strive towards improving the site as much as is possible. We had a few changes to the survey this time around, and we appreciate all the new responses and input in new fields introduced this year. Thank you all very much!

And now, the results:

Section 1: Age

"What is your age?"

Total Responses 6199
Skipped 2
age range percentage of respondents number of respondents % of responses in 2016
under 15 11.07% 686 10.61%
15-19 50.33% 3120 47.12%
20-24 21.39% 1326 22.58%
25-29 8.69% 539 10.26%
30-34 4.32% 268 5.30%
35-39 1.92% 119 2.29%
40-44 1.13% 70 1.39%
45-49 0.58% 36 0.79%
50-54 0.18% 11 0.38%
55-59 0.06% 4 0.11%
60 and older 0.32% 20 0.38%

As we can see, the majority of respondents are in the 15-19 age range, with a notable percentage gap as compared to other age ranges. This means that, compared to last year, respondents have shown that we've actually skewed slightly lower. There were no numbers in any category that stayed the same and went down, but the turnout of the survey showed that more younger people responded in larger numbers than more older people did.

Section 2: Gender

"What is your gender?"

Total Responses 6199
Skipped 2
gender percentage of respondents number of respondents % of responses in 2016
male 81.16% 5031 79.60%
female 10.60% 657 13.41%
nonbinary 1.92% 119 N/A
agender 1.08% 67 N/A
genderfluid 1.55% 96 N/A
other 0.95% 59 3.79%
prefer not to say 2.74% 170 3.19%

So here we see that — similarly to in previous years — there are a ton of boys in this community, with a staggering 81.16% of the entire respondent base. However, with the addition of three new categories (nonbinary, agender, and genderfluid), we can see that suddenly the amount of responses for Other and Prefer Not to Say dropped quite a lot.

Section 3: Language

"What is your primary language?"

Total Responses 6199
Skipped 2
language percentage of respondents number of respondents
Afrikaans 0.11% 7
American Sign Language 0.13% 8
Arabic 0.19% 12
Armenian 0.15% 9
Bahasa Indonesia 0.13% 8
Bulgarian 0.13% 8
Catalan 0.02% 1
Chinese (Cantonese) 0.16% 10
Chinese (Mandarin) 0.56% 35
Chinese (Shanghainese) 0.05% 3
Chinese (other dialect) 0.03% 2
Croatian 0.19% 12
Czech 0.53% 33
Danish 0.50% 31
Dutch 1.10% 68
English 75.56% 4684
Estonian 0.26% 16
Filipino 0.58% 36
Finnish 0.47% 29
French 2.42% 150
German 2.34% 145
Greek 0.23% 14
Hebrew 0.18% 11
Hungarian 0.26% 16
Italian 0.90% 56
Japanese 0.56 35
Korean 0.61% 38
Latvian 0.06% 4
Lithuanian 0.13% 8
Malay 0.13% 8
Marathi 0.02% 1
Norwegian 0.37% 23
Polish 1.97% 122
Portuguese 1.39% 86
Romanian 0.53% 33
Russian 0.85% 53
Serbian 0.15% 9
Slovak 0.19% 12
Slovene 0.08% 5
Spanish 2.95% 183
Tagalog 0.06% 4
Thai 0.08% 5
Turkish 0.31% 19
Ukrainian 0.08 5
Vietnamese 0.13% 8
Other 1.32% 82

Section 4: Location

"What country do you live in?"

Total Responses 6199
Skipped 2
Argentina 0.66% 41
Australia 3.68% 228
Austria 0.31% 19
Belarus 0.03% 2
Belgium 0.24% 15
Bolivia 0.05% 3
Brazil 1.24% 77
Bulgaria 0.13% 8
Canada 6.57% 407
Chile 0.42% 26
China 0.50% 31
Colombia 0.10% 6
Costa Rica 0.08% 5
Croatia 0.19% 12
Czech Republic 0.60% 37
Denmark 0.58% 36
Ecuador 0.02% 1
El Salvador 0.03% 2
England 5.40% 335
Finland 0.50% 31
France 1.92% 119
Germany 2.18% 135
Greece 0.21% 13
Hong Kong 0.29% 18
Hungary 0.27% 17
India 0.21% 13
Indonesia 0.26% 16
Iraq 0.00% 0
Ireland (Northern Ireland) 0.16% 10
Ireland (Republic of Ireland) 0.60% 37
Israel 0.24% 15
Italy 0.94% 58
Japan 0.65% 40
Latvia 0.11% 7
Lithuania 0.10% 6
Malaysia 0.44% 27
Mexico 0.74% 46
Netherlands 0.90% 56
New Zealand 0.79% 49
Norway 0.40% 25
Pakistan 0.03% 2
Peru 0.15% 9
Philippines 1.13% 70
Poland 1.86% 115
Portugal 0.27% 17
Puerto Rico 0.08% 5
Romania 0.53% 33
Russia 0.52% 32
Scotland 0.65% 40
Serbia 0.18% 11
Singapore 0.61% 38
Slovakia 0.16% 10
Slovenia 0.10% 6
South Africa 0.26% 16
South Korea 0.55% 34
Spain 0.52% 32
Sri Lanka 0.00% 0
Sudan 0.02% 1
Sweden 0.82% 51
Switzerland 0.26% 16
Taiwan 0.16% 10
Thailand 0.06% 4
Turkey 0.31% 19
Ukraine 0.16% 10
United States of America 55.07% 3414
Venezuela 0.16% 10
Vietnam 0.21% 13
Wales 0.29% 18
Other 2.16% 134

Section 5: Discovery

"How did you first discover the SCP Foundation?"

Total Responses 5921
Skipped 280
/x/ or another *chan 4.14% 245
one of the SCP games 12.84% 760
TV Tropes 4.68% 277
referred by someone you know 9.95% 589
Reddit 4.46% 264
Facebook 0.39% 23
Twitter 0.25% 15
Tumblr 1.03% 61
DeviantArt 0.35% 21
saw some fanart or fanfic elsewhere 1.05% 62
Creepypasta site or blog 5.10% 302
Youtube (Markiplier's channel) 16.35% 968
Youtube (SCPReading's channel) 4.37% 259
Youtube (Tat's Top Video's channel) 3.21% 190
Youtube (other channel) 9.96% 590
accidental result when searching for something else 5.20% 308
SCP reference in another game or game mod 3.61% 214
Wikipedia 0.54% 32
Yogscast/Yogpod 0.66% 39
Rigveda 0.14% 8
NicoNico 0.29% 17
Something Awful 0.51% 30
Cracked.com 0.39% 23
article on a gaming site 0.22% 13
Facepunch 0.27% 16
StumbleUpon 1.49% 88
other (please specify) 8.56% 507

Section 6: Usage

"Which of the following do you read, follow, or use?"

Total Responses 5921
Skipped 280
English (main) Wiki (the original) 97.47% 5771
SCP-INT (International Translation Archive) 5.22% 309
Chinese Wiki 0.76% 45
German Wiki 1.06% 63
French Wiki 2.43% 144
Italian Wiki 0.51% 30
Japanese Wiki 1.30% 77
Korean Wiki 0.76% 45
Polish Wiki 1.30% 77
Russian Wiki 1.18% 70
Spanish Wiki 1.67% 99
Thai Wiki 0.15% 9
Official SubReddit (www.reddit.com/r/scp) 18.88% 1118
Official Facebook page (www.facebook.com/scpfoundation) 6.57% 389
Official Twitter account (www.twitter.com/scpwiki) 3.85% 228
Official Tumblr account (scp-wiki-official.tumblr.com/) 7.28% 431
Official DeviantArt group (scp-foundation.deviantart.com/) 3.19% 189

Section 7: Activity

"Which of the following do you do?"

Total Responses 5921
Skipped 280
read articles on the English wiki 96.45% 5711
write for the English wiki 9.39% 556
read articles on one of the non-English wikis 8.75% 518
write for one of the non-English wikis 2.57% 152
vote and/or comment on the English wiki 18.59% 1101
vote and/or comment on one of the non-English wikis 3.19% 189
translate articles for a non-English wiki 2.28% 135
draw SCP art 8.22% 487
write SCP fiction not posted on one of the wikis 7.62% 451
create other SCP work (games, videos, music, etc.) 4.07% 241
participate on one of the official roleplay sites 1.35% 80
roleplay on another site (Twitter, Tumblr, etc.) 3.97% 235

Section 8: Wiki Feedback

"If you dislike something about the wiki itself, into what category do(es) your concern(s) fall? (Staff-/operation-related concerns should be kept to their respective question, not this one.) Please note that not all technical topics are feasibly changeable, but feedback is still appreciated."

Total Responses 2571
Skipped 3630
the theme/color scheme/visual elements 26.37% 678
the host site/Wikidot itself 12.60% 324
the layout and listing methods (how to find articles, etc.) 39.44% 1014
the author listing method 10.39% 267
the voting system/I want x/10 or x/5 rankings rather than low/high number ratings 10.89% 280
I hold issue with article content (gore/violence/sex/etc.) 2.57% 66
I think the age limit for joining the site should be lowered 13.73% 353
I think the age limit for joining the site should be raised 14.27% 367

Section 9: Staff Feedback

"What do you think about the wiki's staff (not the in-universe Senior Staff/author avatars) and the job they're doing, individually or as a whole?"

Total Responses 4946
Skipped 1255
I am extremely satisfied 40.64% 2010
I am moderately satisfied 26.10% 1291
I do not have an opinion/neutral 34.27% 1695
I am moderately dissatisfied 1.62% 80
I am extremely dissatisfied 0.38% 19

Section 10: Survey Feedback

"Do you have any concerns about this survey? Would you like to see this survey appear differently in future iterations?"

Total Responses 806
Skipped 5395
my gender is not present 14.76% 119
my language is not present 8.19% 66
my location is not present 18.36% 148
I want separate fields for sex and gender 26.18% 211
I want race/nationality to be a field 52.36% 422

Section 11: Free-Form Answer

"If you could change ONE thing about the wiki that was not listed in any other question option, what would that be (keep answers short: ~1 paragraph or less)."

Total Responses 1710
Skipped 4491

Note: Due to the high volume of answers, we will not be posting all of them. Rather, we read through them and grouped similar ones together by concept/suggestion. Some notable ones are posted in their respective sections with full answers by one or more of us.

suggestion number of respondents
change wiki design/theme1 43
ditch Wikidot/become independent 7
improve mobile layout or make an app 8
link to official roleplaying sites more visibly 2
make tales more easily sorted and searched 3
more pictures or require pictures on articles 5

If you're looking for your particular question within a category, try ctrl + f-ing part of the sentence that you remember typing.

Selection of Answered Questions from Section 11: Technical

Selection of Answered Questions from Section 11: Wiki- and Fandom-Related

Selection of Answered Questions from Section 11: Social/Notable/Funny/etc.

2017 Survey Results compiled by:

Cyantreuse does not match any existing user name, LurkDLurkD, and DecibellesDecibelles

Special thanks to:

DrewbearDrewbear for the use of his survey site account, SilberescherSilberescher for reviewing results before posting, and to the SCP Foundation community for their input and for being all-around wonderful.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact one of the compilers.

Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License