SleepOfReason Creates Art

rating: +43+x

Hello everybody! Welcome to my art page. This page wasn't what I thought would be my first on this site, but to be fair, what else could one expect from a guy that took his username from an 18th century etching. Anyway, let's look at the art, shall we?

The Armorial

The works featured in The Armorial are the result of two motivations. Firstly, heraldry has intruiged me for a long time. Secondly, I wanted to make personal fan-art for some of the authors of this site. These two motivations collided, and this is the result. In every coat of arms I have tried to incorporate personal characteristics of the author and, in some cases, themes that are prevalent in the author's work.

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Of course there are more persons to this site than just its authors. There are also the numerous characters created by said authors. Since these characters can be just as inspring as the authors, there should be no reason why they can't be added to The Armorial.

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