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Anomalous Item Entry

Item #: SCP-5621

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures

Due to the immobile nature of SCP-5621, the pool complex at Calvin University is marked as closed at this time. The entrance to basement level is to be locked at all times. Foundation agents are to be inserted into the University security staff in order to ensure that no unauthorized personnel attempt to access SCP-5621. Students or faculty who become too curious should be dissuaded with Class-F amnestics.
  • See [Addendum 1 - Containment Record]


SCP-5621 is an anomalous alchemic imprint occurring at Calvin University in Grand Rapids, Michigan. SCP-5621 is imprinted upon the swimming pool within the Ed Taylor gym complex.

With some regular frequency, SCP-5621 will cause the water within the pool to be unable to break surface tension through anomalous alchemic means. This effect can occur at any time.

  • See [Addendum 2 - Alchemic Report on Aetheric Entity].

SCP-5621 has been observed to exhibit this behavior almost exclusively when at least one human is within the pool. Invariably, this phenomenon has led to the death of the subject, without extreme precautions such as those taken during testing procedures. At least six deaths have been recorded at this time due to SCP-5621, with several others suspected to involve SCP-5621.

Draining the water which SCP-5621 inhabits does not remove the effect.

  • See [Addendum 3 - Testing and Observation Log].

SCP-5621 is believed to be the remaining consciousness of █████ ████████ (hereafter referred to as SCP-5621-1) who was a student at Calvin University from 2015 to 2017. SCP-5621-1 was a third-string member of the collegiate swim team. SCP-5621-1 died due to drowning in 2017, which was deemed an accident by local authorities.

  • Foundation investigations can be found in [Addendum 4 - Investigation Log].

Attached Addenda

Addendum 1 - Containment Log

SCP-5621 was first brought to the Foundation’s attention when a routine scan of local news and blog posts discovered a significant uptick in the number of deaths due to drowning at Calvin University’s Pool.

Foundation agents were dispatched to investigate. Please see attached transcript of an interview in which Foundation agents witnessed SCP-5621’s anomalous effect firsthand.

Addendum 2 - Alchemic Report on SCP-5621

Addendum 3 - Testing Log

Following the incident within Addendum 1, testing of SCP-5621's anomaly was undertaken with extreme precautions.

Foundation divers entered SCP-5621 to conduct tests, both with bottled oxygen and emergency air lines in case of prolonged anomalous activity.

Addendum 4 - Investigation Log

During the course of containment of SCP-5621, the Foundation undertook a significant investigation, under the advice of Journeyman Genuomo.

The potential cause of death of SCP-5621-1 was assumed to be foul play based on the Journeyman's report, and as such Agents Denton and McDowell conducted an investigation during the initial containment phases.

Agents Denton and McDowell collected physical and aetheric evidence over a period of several weeks. After submitting a report to Foundation agents, a suspect was identified based on patterns of entry to the complex, and a combination of electronic and visual surveillance. Michael Stahlmeyer was brought in for questioning in conjunction with SCP-5621-1's death, with Agents Denton and McDowell interviewing.

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