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Item #: SCP-5047

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-5047 is currently contained in a standard humanoid containment chamber at Site-17.

Description: SCP-5047 is a male humanoid entity manifesting immediately outside several Foundation sites' loading bays. Across its manifestations, the entity has been observed to wear a button-up shirt and khakis. While manifested, SCP-5047 will repeatedly request to be allowed inside, typically by addressing the hidden security camera or passing personnel. SCP-5047's identity has not been matched to any existing person.

SCP-5047 was originally discovered on April 23rd, 2018 when the entity first triggered Site-81's security measures while approaching the loading bay on foot.

Addendum 5047.01 SCP-5047 Manifestations

Manifestation #: 1 (Discovery)
Date: 23/04/2018
Location: Site-81
Events Summary: SCP-5047 manifested outside the Site-81 loading bay, triggering security measures. On-site security personnel were deployed to apprehend SCP-5047, who demanifested immediately upon touch. SCP-5047 was cataloged.

Manifestation #: 2
Date: 26/04/2018
Location: Site-19
Events Summary: SCP-5047 manifested outside the Site-19 loading bay, triggering security measures. Defense turrets were activated to fire upon SCP-5047, who vanished after being startled by the opening volley. Foundation Sites placed on high-alert for further appearances of SCP-5047.

Manifestation #: 3
Date: 06/05/2018
Location: Site-64
Events Summary: SCP-5047 manifested outside Site-64 while the loading bay was open. SCP-5047 remained outside but requested to be allowed in. Emergency lockdown procedures were enacted. SCP-5047 expressed frustration and demanifested after fifteen minutes.

Manifestation #: 4
Date: 09/05/2018
Location: Site-34
Events Summary: SCP-5047 manifested outside Site-34 and requested to be let in. Site Director Reach ordered SCP-5047 be allowed inside and kept under armed supervision. While inside, it wandered the humanoid containment wing and asked if all the cells were occupied prior to returning to the loading bay. SCP-5047 thanked the present security personnel and demanifested once outside.

Manifestation #: 5
Date: 15/05/2018
Location: Site-17
Events Summary: SCP-5047 manifested outside Site-17 and requested to be let in. Upon direction of O5 Command, SCP-5047 was allowed to enter Site-17 under armed supervision. While inside, SCP-5047 again wandered the humanoid containment wing before returning to the loading bay and thanking present security personnel. Additionally, it complimented the status of the Site, calling it 'The best I've seen'. SCP-5047 demanifested once outside.

Addendum 5047.02: Containment

On the 4th of June, 2018, a containment alarm was activated in Site-17's humanoid containment wing. On-location security personnel indicated no breaches in containment and were instructed to perform a sweep of the area. After approximately fifteen minutes, SCP-5047 was located in a formerly empty containment chamber alongside a pregnant humanoid female and various labeled boxes. Upon being questioned as to how they entered the site, SCP-5047 produced an envelope containing $2,800 labeled 'RENT'.

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