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Item #: SCP-3468

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3468 is surrounded by a chain-link fence that is exactly 10 kilometers in circumference and covers the entire perimeter of SCP-3468's area of effect. The fence line is to be constructed exclusively of tantalum carbide and hafnium carbide in order to assure stability when under scorching temperatures. The entire perimeter of the fence line is to be patrolled in its entirety by a minimum of three members of security every two hours. Under no circumstance are any non-Foundation personnel allowed to enter the 10 kilometer area of effect beyond the fence line. SCP-3468 is to remain on the 'Moderate' setting at all times when not in active testing. When in active testing, security is to be placed on stand by with rapid response teams readied and equipped with fire prevention equipment.

All SCP Foundation personnel are required to wear fire retardant suits during active testing and are only permitted to remove them when further than 15 kilometers away from SCP-3468. Any non-Foundation personnel attempting to enter SCP-3468's enclosure are to be turned away under the premise of clean up of the Fort McMurray wildfire. If any non-personnel individuals continue to persist they should be detained and questioned.

Description: SCP-3468 is a metallic road sign located southwest of Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada. SCP-3468's front contains a half circle segmented into four separate quadrants marked from left to right as 'Low', 'Moderate', 'High' and 'Extreme'. The front of the sign appears to be facing the entrance path to Twohorn Trails park. Upon first inspection, SCP-3468 is visibly indistinguishable to all other Wildfire Warning signs in the Fort McMurray area. Following detailed analysis of SCP-3468 and its components, it was discovered that instead of the plastic pointer that similar Wildfire Warning signs in the area used, SCP-3468's pointer was replaced with a replica pointer of a wooden construction. The replica pointer shows no visible variation from any similar Wildfire Warning signs.

When the pointer on SCP-3468 is moved to any quadrant not marked as 'Moderate', the environment in a 10 kilometer radius around SCP-3468 will begin to alter itself to match the marking to which the pointer is now pointing. SCP-3468 when placed on the 'Low' and 'High' setting will result in the average temperature and weather patterns in SCP-3468's area of effect matching regional April and August respectively. When placed on 'Moderate' SCP- 3468 will cease all anomalous activity and enter a docile state. Temperatures inside of SCP-3468's area of effect will attain no abnormal weather patterns during this time. When SCP-3468's pointer is placed on the 'Extreme' quadrant, a similar series of changes as to the 'High' setting takes place. When the effective climax of the environmental change is in place, a small fire of a light green coloration will begin directly below SCP-3468 continue to burn rapidly in the dry and hot conditions.

The flame, known as SCP-3468-1, reacts similarly to a standard flame except when in contact with any living organism. After contact with a living organism is made, SCP-3468-1 will begin to consume it until no living matter remains on said organism. SCP-3468-1 is capable of fully consuming the human body in approximately ██ seconds. SCP-3468-1 can not be extinguished when inside of SCP-3468 area of effect by any known means. If left uncontained, SCP-3468-1 is capable of spreading beyond the 10 kilometer area of effect and continue to burn and travel outwards and away from SCP-3468. After SCP-3468-1 leaves SCP-3468's 10 kilometer area of effect, the flame will lose its unique coloration and anomalous abilities. Wildfires created by SCP-3468 will only stop when all available fuel sources inside of SCP-3468's area of effect are destroyed. Testing has been inconclusive as to if SCP-3468-1 is sentient.

SCP-3468 shows a full immunity to heat and fire damage with the ability to withstand temperatures beyond the point of melting steel while retaining no damage to any of its components or paint. SCP-3468 is inactive between the months of December, January and February and all changes of the positioning of SCP-3468's pointer create no environmental changes. Investigation of the Department of Fire Safety in [REDACTED] revealed that SCP-3468 was originally placed in its current position in ██/██/20██. SCP-3468 has only ever been maintained once, with the problem being cited as 'Vandalism: Missing Pointer'. The name of the individual sent to repair SCP-3468 is not listed on any form of government documentation. Cross analysis with known anomalous individuals and groups is currently under way.

Addendum: SCP-3468 was ordered to be relocated to Site-45 for active testing away from the general public. However, when Agent [REDACTED](KIA) attempted to remove SCP-3468 from its affixed position SCP-3468 began to vibrate rapidly before exploding into a ball of fire with the approximate temperature of 1200°C. SCP-3468 then began to rapidly pump super-heated steam out of its post which began to push outwards towards the 10 kilometer limit of SCP-3468 radius of effect and into Foundation research camps nearby. This repeated for twelve hours before SCP-3468 returned to its docile state, leading to ██ casualties and ██ confirmed dead, for the full casualty list view Incident Report 3468-██/██/20██. Attempts to remove via robots or mechanical methods have so far been met with failure due to the inability of Foundation machinery to operate under such high temperatures.

Over the course of the last two months we've been able to break down the events leading up to the Fort McMurray Wildfires and discover an individual we suspect is responsible for the maintenance of and possible anomalous properties of SCP-3468. Below I've attached three interviews from individuals who had close connections to SCP-3468 and its origins and I suspect that we're not dealing with any rogue individual, but a violent, radical Eco terrorist group.
- Researcher Burnett

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