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Item #: SCP-1544

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1544 is to be given a minimum of 5 by 5 by 4 meters of space in its containment, in a biological containment chamber within Site-32. Upbeat music is to be played within SCP-1544's containment chamber during its feeding; SCP-1544 will consume any type of meat, and is to be fed daily.

Description: SCP-1544's exterior is a mobile, 1 meter tall1 multicolored skin covering. It is controlled by a small, peach-colored mass located in the center. This interior flesh appears to be gelatin,2 and it is connected to a thin skeletal system that makes up SCP-1544's limbs. SCP-1544 feeds by using its central mass to envelope food it takes in through its limbs.

SCP-1544's skin is abnormally resistant to damage, and is also able to flex its arms to 5 meters in length. SCP-1544 is also able to move at speeds exceeding 35 kilometers per hour, by flipping its hands and feet over itself in a cartwheel fashion. However, SCP-1544 will hibernate at temperatures exceeding 85° C to preserve energy and prevent its interior from overheating.

SCP-1544 has a jovial temperament, and appears to take great pleasure in dancing. SCP-1544 will playfully nudge and bump personnel, though it will not purposely cause harm. SCP-1544 will only dance if music is audible in its area; otherwise, SCP-1544 will display depression, and will lay or sit down on the ground away from personnel. It will also become apathetic towards any outside stimulus, and will refuse to consume any food. SCP-1544 will not return to its usual behavior until music is played once more.

SCP-1544 was discovered in 19██, after escaping from a traveling circus and cutting a path through the surrounding forest. All circus employees were administered Class-B amnestics, and SCP-1544 was subsequently contained by the Foundation, including all documents involving it.

Documents surrounding SCP-1544 are available to Level 3 personnel and up.

Addendum 1: The following is a document discovered with SCP-1544.

Hello, and thank you for purchasing "Dr. Wondertainment's Slinktastic Dancerific Rainbow Friend!™"

To keep your lovable rainbow friend happy, make sure to keep him fed and dancing!

Keep some music on all the time, because he gets pretty grumpy when the music stops!

Don't like your vegetables? He'll be happy to eat them for you!3

Don't let the kids too close! Your friend loves to dance, but sometimes the music gets too strong!

Once again, thank you for purchasing from Dr. Wondertainment!

Dr. Wondertainment is not responsible for any injuries incurred by use of this project. Terms of use available at [REDACTED]. By purchasing from Dr. Wondertainment you agree to not hold Dr. Wondertainment or any of Dr. Wondertainment's affiliates accountable for injuries or damages incurred by your product. Thank you for your purchase!

Addendum 2: The following note was found outside of Site-32.

Take good care of Joey. I've already given him color. You need to give him a home.

Security footage is currently being reviewed to find the person responsible for leaving the note.

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