Incident Log 555-1
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SCP involved: SCP-555, SCP-███

Personnel involved: [DATA EXPUNGED], Dr. ███████

Date: ███████, 19██

Location: ███████████ ███


On ███████, 19██, a containment breach of SCP-███ caused a security guard to shelter in place in the room containing SCP-555's containment locker, along with two Class-D personnel and Dr. ███████.

One Class-D attempted to wrest the guard's firearm from its holster, while the other attempted to strike Dr. ███████. The guard shot the first Class-D, and the corpse adhered to the outside of the cabinet. The guard then shot the Class-D attacking Dr. ███████, and his corpse collided with the guard, causing his firearm to discharge. The shot ricocheted off the wall and struck Dr. ███████ in the head, killing him. The security guard was subsequently crushed by Dr. ███████'s corpse against the locker containing the SCP, collapsing it and killing him. The SCP's field entered geometric progression and pulled the corpses of a number of personnel killed by SCP-███ through the reinforced concrete walls. Eventually, SCP-███ was contained, and the situation with SCP-555 was evaluated.

Researchers were unable to determine the exact number of corpses stuck to SCP-555, but seventeen personnel (including those in the room with SCP-555) were reported missing after containment had been re-established for SCP-███. The dead matter had formed an approximate sphere of human tissue around the SCP.

A Class-D personnel trapped in the hallway at the time of the containment breach had his legs crushed by SCP-███, and was partially entombed in the sphere. Efforts to free him proved fruitless, and because the field strength of SCP-555 would increase by a massive amount if the Class D died in proximity to the SCP (sufficient to envelop the entire facility, including the morgue), the Foundation was forced to undertake heroic measures to keep him alive. Clotting agents and mechanical ventilation were administered; no opiate painkillers or anesthetics were administered due to the chance of causing the death of the Class D; ibuprofen, aspirin, and acetaminophen were administered after confirming the Class D's lack of allergies to these, to marginal effect. Muscle paralytic was injected intramuscularly in small doses and restraints were installed after 35 hours, when the Class D attempted to commit suicide by slamming his head against the surrounding material, and by attempting to strangle himself.

The SCP was moved into a nearby testing chamber, with measures taken to remove any corpse within its affected radius. At this point, a tracheotomy was performed on the Class D, as his screaming was determined to be affecting measurements, and a gag would pose danger of him choking. X-ray tomography indicated that the density of the material adhering to the SCP increased in density with proximity, approaching the density of iron within three inches of the surface of the SCP. The material closest to the SCP was determined to be extremely hot; it would be significantly past its boiling point had the material not been under pressure. Predicted response curves showed that should any significant amount of dead matter be added, the field would extend to the site's morgue. Researchers in proximity to the SCP noted symptoms in themselves commensurate with having a constant mechanical force pulling on their epidermes, and were rotated every three hours to prevent burn-like symptoms. In addition, a small but measurable force on living subjects was detected; experiments showed that the force increased linearly as small amounts of dead material were added. A decision was made to remove the dead material as soon as possible.

Eventually, it was determined that exposure of the matter to a significantly caustic substance (sufficient to render the material into component simple compounds) would cause it to cease to be attracted by the SCP's field, with a commensurate decrease in field strength and density. Researchers then experimented with small portions of dead human tissue, and eventually discovered that magnetic fields of extremely high power would damp the field of the SCP. The SCP was slowly lowered into a high-temperature solution of sodium hydroxide, with the Class D facing upwards to avoid premature death. A heating system was installed once it was determined that the decompression of the (by now) cooled compressed corpses was causing the solution to freeze. After several hours, the Class D and dead material surrounding the SCP were completely dissolved. SCP-555 was recovered intact, completely unaffected by the compression, heat, or caustic soda.

Knowledge gained during these containment efforts led to the creation of SCP-555's current containment procedures.

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