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Special Containment Procedures: Site-3608 has been constructed around the entrance to SCP-3608 due to the failure of all attempts to relocate it. The entrance to SCP-3608 must remain under 24/7 video surveillance in Secure Wing Alpha. Personnel are not to come within 15 meters of SCP-3608 without approval from Site Director Haugen.

Description: The portal leading to SCP-3608 is a single blue door and frame, composed of wooden materials and lacking attachment to any extant structure. It is located approximately 11.3km north-northeast of Nürensdorf, Zürich, Switzerland. The paint shows signs of aging, but the door itself is structurally sound, with no signs of degradation. Paint chips analyzed are chemically identical to Valspar brand paint. No anomalous properties have been detected in the door itself.

The threshold presents no anomalous visual effects. However, upon passing over the threshold, any sapient beings disappear.1

SCP-3608 is a sapient, predatory dimension, accessed by passing through the door from either side. Foundation researchers have determined that SCP-3608 is able to siphon energy from the negative emotions of any sapient beings that enter it. It is able to obtain specific information about the being's history2 as well as general details related to an environment which feels familiar to it3. The method by which SCP-3608 obtains this information is currently unknown. SCP-3608 does not appear to have any effect on inanimate objects that are not attached to or held by sapient creatures. Independent inanimate objects that pass over the threshold appear on the other side with no noticeable changes. Drones and other unmanned remote equipment cease to function inside SCP-3608, rendering unmanned expeditions impossible.

Discovery: SCP-3608 was discovered by the Foundation after a series of missing persons reports near Nürensdorf. Local authorities discovered SCP-3608, and a Foundation agent within the police force brought the item to The Foundation's attention after an officer by the name of Liam Wuthrich entered SCP-3608 and vanished from sight. He returned hours later in a state of severe emotional distress. Officer Wuthrich was escorted to European Site-11 for questioning and full psychological evaluation [See Log 3608-P]. Class-A amnestics were administered and the officer was returned to his home.

As of 06/06/2014, four manned expeditions into SCP-3608 have been attempted, all overseen by Dr. Vogel and MTF Alpha-5 "Paranaughts" Captain James Lauder. Transcripts of expeditions can be seen below.

Unless otherwise noted, all subjects are equipped with one wireless transmission video camera communicating with a laptop held by Dr. Vogel and one hands-free 2-way radio. Subject is also equipped with a standard issue field bag containing two day’s worth of emergency rations and several Field Recovery Kits (FRKs).

Addendum 1: Testing has been ceased pending review from The O5 Council. No personnel are to interact with or approach SCP-3608 without express approval from Site Director Haugen.

Addendum 2: After Event 3608-V, 3608-N is considered a cognitohazard, as it appears to retain a portion of the entity's ability to manipulate emotions, triggered when read. 3608-N is to be locked in a Level 4 Anomalous Object Containment Safe in Site-3608.



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